Evolution of stealth in Spider-Man 2: the web-line mechanic

Inside a warehouse, Spider-Man stands on a webline created by attaching webs between two points. Enemies hang from the weblines.
Inside a warehouse: Spider-Man standing on a web-line (in white) used to take down enemies more stealthily

Swinging back into action, Spider-Man 2 has not just raised the bar; it’s shattered expectations with a myriad of new mechanics that redefine the Spider-Man gaming experience. Among these innovations stands the web-line mechanic, a gameplay addition that not only enhances stealth opportunities but introduces a new level of creative freedom for players.

Stealthier Takedowns: The Birth of the Web-Line Mechanic

In the first installment of Spider-Man, stealth combat was very limited, mainly to wall, ceiling and perch takedowns at predetermined points or areas and lacking much player agency. Spider-Man 2’s web line mechanic aims to revolutionize this, offering players increased freedom while maintaining the quintessential feeling of being Spider-Man by allowing players to place webs (which act as perches) between two points.

On the roof of a building, Spider-Man stands on a webline created by attaching webs between two points. Enemies hang from the weblines.
On a building rooftop: Enemies hanging from a web-line

Activated by pressing L2 and triangle on a PS5 controller, the web line mechanic allows players to attach a quick web line between a marked point and Spider-Man’s current position. This transforms the environment into a web-laden playground, enabling players to walk on and attach enemies to web-lines using perch takedowns. This mechanic opens up a variety of options for players, reducing the burden on level designers while empowering players to create their own web structures.

Seamless Integration with Spider-Man’s World

The web-line mechanic seamlessly blends with the Spider-Man universe, allowing players to create intricate web networks that trap enemies, reminiscent of a “spider ensnaring its prey”. Never in any of the previous Spider-Man games has the player had an ability to spin a completely custom web of their own. This mechanic has been a long time coming for a Spider-Man game and it’s theming is spot on. This custom combination of web lines one can create on any single area is limitless allowing players to feel like they can approach the missions in any way they see fit. This level of control and immersion introduces a unique dynamic that sets Spider-Man 2 apart from its predecessor.

On an empty narrow street, there is a network of weblines almost forming a spider-web like structure here. Several enemies hang from these weblines.
Several enemies hang from a network of web-lines giving the feeling of a spider ensnaring their prey.
At an abandoned site near the river, Spider-Man stands on a webline created by attaching webs between two points. There is a network of weblines almost forming a spider-web like structure here. Several enemies hang from the weblines.
Several enemies hang from a network of web-lines giving the feeling of a spider ensnaring their prey.

Diverse Mission Environments

With the web-line mechanic, developers gain newfound flexibility in mission environment design. Unlike the limitations of the previous game, where stealth missions were confined to specific environments like warehouses or construction sites, Spider-Man 2’s stealth scenarios can be seamlessly integrated into a diverse range of locations throughout the game. These locations do not require ceilings or beams rather some poles or buildings around the area would be good enough to set up a net of web-lines This freedom allows for a more evocative player experience.

Rooftop of an old building can be easily converted into a stealth takedown area with web-lines

Surprising Range Dynamics

Contrary to expectations, the web line mechanic boasts a considerable range, granting players unprecedented freedom. Players have the freedom to create web-lines almost as long as two city blocks. This extended range adds complexity to stealth challenges, ensuring players can strategize and navigate in a more expansive environment.

Wide shot shows a network of weblines almost forming a spider-web like structure here. At an abandoned railyard, Spider-Man stands on a webline created by attaching webs between two points.
Web-lines cover the area of more than an entire block here giving enough freedom to players to create web-lines however they want.
Wide shot shows a network of weblines almost forming a spider-web like structure around a block of building in Manhattan. Spider-Man stands on a webline.
Web-lines cover the area of more than an entire city block here giving enough freedom to players to create web-lines however they want.

Shaping the Game’s Pacing

The web line mechanic isn’t just a gameplay addition; it’s a pacing modifier. Offering stealthier opportunities, it allows players to approach missions on their own terms. This departure from conventional head-on combat missions injects freshness into the game, breaking down the monotony of facing waves of enemies with the same skills repeatedly.

Photo Ops

Beyond gameplay, the web line mechanic introduces a creative dimension. Spider-Man can lie down and pose on top of web lines, offering cool photo ops within the game. This unique blend of action and artistry adds an entertaining layer to the gaming experience.

Spider-Man posing on a web-line. Photo Credits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MN6XI9eNqiQ&t=150s&ab_channel=GamingWithDano

Side Missions and Beyond

Designed not only for main story missions but also for various side missions, the web line mechanic brings a new level of depth to gameplay. From Hunter blinds to Hunter bases and Flame’s missions, its stealthier approaches become viable options, ensuring a diverse and engaging experience across different mission types, including open world activities like stopping crimes.

Use of web-line mechanic for taking down enemies in Hunter Bases, one of the side missions.
Use of web-line mechanic for taking down enemies during a crime, an open world activity.

Future Web of Stealth

As Spider-Man 2 charts new territories, the web line mechanic hints at future possibilities for stealth gameplay in the Marvel’s Spider-Man franchise.

With potential for increased verticality, web setups in the future can be more angled or vertical creating three-dimensional web setups that pulls enemies from all directions. Another possibility is Spidey deploying quick webs between enemies to break line of sight with more control to isolate enemies and then perform stealth takedowns. A lot more ideas and game design opportunities come to mind.

This innovative leap promises exciting prospects for the future of the Spider-Man franchise.


Spider-Man 2’s web line mechanic redefines stealth and mission approaches and offers creative opportunities as well as shapes the game’s pacing. It embodies the essence of Spider-Man’s dynamic universe and brings us one step closer to a Spiderman who can almost do whatever a spider can.

Evolution of stealth in Spider-Man 2: the web-line mechanic was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.






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