Get better responses from ChatGPT with example-based thinking

Crafting great examples is the key for designers to make use of ChatGPT.

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

“As a UX Designer deeply invested in the world of apps and user experience, there’s a subject that has been occupying my mind lately — the fascinating interplay between anticipatory, persuasive, and emotional design in UX. We’ve all encountered those products that seem to hold an irresistible allure, effortlessly keeping us hooked. But have you ever wondered how these products leverage psychological techniques to influence our decisions, sometimes even at the cost of our autonomy?”

How to build intentional UX in an era of persuasive technology
By Emily Yorgey

Editor picks

The UX Collective is an independent design publication that elevates unheard design voices and illuminates the path to design mastery and critical thinking. Here’s how we’re boosting stories through our partnership with Medium.

Hocus focus: a keyboard accessibility horror game →

Make me think

  • What was the TED talk?
    “I like to call this fusion ‘the inspiresting.’ Stylistically, the inspiresting is earnest and contrived. It is smart but not quite intellectual, personal but not sincere, jokey but not funny. It is an aesthetic of populist elitism.”
  • How AI reduces the world to stereotypes
    “Even stereotypes that are not inherently negative, she said, are still stereotypes: They reflect a particular value judgment, and a winnowing of diversity.”
  • What does a happily ever after look like?
    “What comes to mind when imagining the archetypical romance novel might be either a scantily clad man clutching a fainting lady, or a colorful pop illustration with big block text.”

Little gems this week

Transition animations: a practical guide
By Dongkyu Lee

Myths and considerations for the future of VR
By Felix Mollinga

What can designers learn from SolarPunk?
By Kevin Richard

Tools and resources

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UI transitions guide, intentional UX, why companies kill great design was originally published in UX Collective on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.






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