Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • How we choose to use AI is the new marshmallow test

    How we choose to use AI is the new marshmallow test

    AI is testing more than our intelligence — it’s testing our discipline, ambition, and willingness to think for ourselves. Image source: Shutterstock Many people are familiar with the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment. Conducted in 1972 by Walter Mischel, the study tested children’s ability to delay gratification. Each child was given a marshmallow and told they’d receive a second […]

  • Kick-start your continuous user research in 5 steps

    Kick-start your continuous user research in 5 steps

    Kick-start your automated Continuous Research in 5 steps Identify and map your key user feedback sources to streamline your research process and maximize impact! It’s been a while since I last wrote an article, and I must admit I’ve missed sharing what I learn daily with the design community ❤. For this one, I want to walk […]

  • Kick-start your continuous user research in 5 steps

    Kick-start your continuous user research in 5 steps

    Kick-start your automated Continuous Research in 5 steps Identify and map your key user feedback sources to streamline your research process and maximize impact! It’s been a while since I last wrote an article, and I must admit I’ve missed sharing what I learn daily with the design community ❤. For this one, I want to walk […]

  • Kick-start your continuous user research in 5 steps

    Kick-start your continuous user research in 5 steps

    Kick-start your Continuous Research in 5 steps Identify and map your key user feedback sources to streamline your research process and maximize impact! It’s been a while since I last wrote an article, and I must admit I’ve missed sharing what I learn daily with the design community ❤. For this one, I want to walk you […]

  • Dumb AI is pushing out good UX

    Dumb AI is pushing out good UX

    A cautionary tale about the Washington Post. Continue reading on UX Collective » Facial expressions don’t always reveal true emotions — but that hasn’t stopped AI from trying to analyze them anyway. “How emotion recognition software strengthens dictatorships and threatens democracies”, source Imagine walking into a classroom where AI-powered cameras track students’ facial expressions, rating their attentiveness and […]

  • 8 design breakthroughs defining AI’s future

    8 design breakthroughs defining AI’s future

    How key interface decisions are shaping the next era of human-computer interaction Made with Midjourney. Interface designers are navigating uncharted territory. For the first time in over a decade, we’re facing a truly greenfield space in user experience design. There’s no playbook, no established patterns to fall back on. Even the frontier AI labs are […]

  • Creativity in UX design

    Creativity in UX design

    How creative do we get to be in our job as UX designers? Continue reading on UX Collective » Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers. “Transparency matters because it ensures Trust between the author and the reader. It’s often an unspoken ethical contract: I sign my name on this article and you, the reader, believe […]

  • The paradox of UX personalization

    The paradox of UX personalization

    AI-driven UX curates familiarity, but in doing so, it narrows the path to new experiences. Credit: B. Godart/Shutterstock It’s Monday, and you’re on your way to work. Bracing for 45 minutes of bumper-to-bumper hell, you set your playlist to Commute. Maybe, like me, your music taste is rooted in nostalgia. In my case, that means […]

  • Collected consciousness: AI product design for empowering human creativity

    Collected consciousness: AI product design for empowering human creativity

    Guernica, Picasso, 1937 Before we begin, I want you to consume this painting. If you know the story, the details might already scream at you. However, if you’re unfamiliar with it, consider the content of the painting, read into the details, and build a story about it. Try to understand why Picasso painted this. Guernica, the town, Euskadi.eus The […]

  • UX is easy, but we made it complicated

    UX is easy, but we made it complicated

    The entire discipline is premised on close contact and empathy with users. Yet, it is challenging to transform that knowledge into practical solutions and achieve prominence in companies. Why does this phenomenon occur? We can be part of the new role we have always wanted, but we must also improve some aspects of our work. It […]

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