Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • The Blue Screen of Death: have GUIs truly defeated iconoclasm?

    The Blue Screen of Death: have GUIs truly defeated iconoclasm?

    There’s nothing like an epic crash to remind ourselves of the robustness of text Continue reading on UX Collective » An unsolicited case study on the productivity loss associated with LinkedIn Jobs Job hunting can get really monotonous very quickly. In an effort to stay productive, I started working on pet projects inspired by Built for […]

  • Hey, LinkedIn: UX matters even for job searching

    Hey, LinkedIn: UX matters even for job searching

    An unsolicited case study on the productivity loss associated with LinkedIn Jobs Job hunting can get really monotonous very quickly. In an effort to stay productive, I started working on pet projects inspired by Built for Mars. For those of you who don’t know, Peter Ramsey’s BFM library is a must-have reference if you want to […]

  • Color divergence with Google Gemini

    Color divergence with Google Gemini

    Exploring diverging data color scheme suggestions with Gemini, Google’s generative AI system. Continue reading on UX Collective » Riding the cyber serpent. “I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.” — HAL 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey 1968) | AI image created using prompts by the author on Midjourney, Runway.ai and Open Art. Edited in FIGMA. Living in […]

  • Why not all voices should be equal in the design process

    Why not all voices should be equal in the design process

    If we are serious about social change and equity, we need to start centring the knowledge and decisions of those deeply impacted. Illustration by me. Inspired by Brian Tong. Who do we design for? Most social impact designers and socially-minded agencies will tell you what they design for: a “better” future. But when it comes to who […]

  • Why you should have a brag document

    Why you should have a brag document

    It’s your secret weapon for performance reviews and job interviews. A few jobs ago I was up for a raise. As part of the performance review process, my manager asked me to do a self-review of the past year where I rate myself in several categories and add relevant notes. Essentially my manager was asking: What have […]

  • Our company is acquired. Now what?

    Our company is acquired. Now what?

    “Business as usual” applies no more to us UX professionals if we must navigate organizational changes. Continue reading on UX Collective » How UX professionals are confident and skeptical of LLMs. Image generated with Microsoft’s Copilot Researched and written with Irina Wagner, PhD. The rumbles over the promise of enhancing productivity with the help of LLM touched […]

  • Dangerous metaphors in AI

    Dangerous metaphors in AI

    The way we explain the future becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Continue reading on UX Collective » How UX professionals are confident and skeptical of LLMs. Image generated with Microsoft’s Copilot Researched and written with Irina Wagner, PhD. The rumbles over the promise of enhancing productivity with the help of LLM touched nearly every white-collar industry, and user […]

  • The 3 dimensions of DesignOps: from tasks to transformational impact

    The 3 dimensions of DesignOps: from tasks to transformational impact

    How can DesignOps shift from managing tasks to delivering real business value? What are the levels of influence, metrics, and factors that can support DesignOps’ maturity within the organisation? Understanding the roles and responsibilities of DesignOps through different styles of management and Levels of influence. As design Operations as a discipline evolves and matures, there […]

  • Art Thinking: creating desirable futures in the AI era

    Art Thinking: creating desirable futures in the AI era

    Have you ever thought about hiring an artist for your team? OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, has just taken this step. But what does this mean? Our history is filled with technological revolutions that have changed the way we live, work, and interact. From the Industrial Revolution to the internet boom, each new technology has brought […]

  • The UX Reflex theory: lessons from Apple’s search bar experiment

    The UX Reflex theory: lessons from Apple’s search bar experiment

    The significant role conditioned reflexes play in UX design. In 2021, iOS 15 defaulted Safari’s search bar to the bottom of the screen. It was a drastic departure from the industry standard because all other web browsers kept their search bar at the top of the screen. Safari search bar at the bottom of the screen The move […]

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